We are pleased to announce a number of scholarship opportunities will be available for the 11th International Conference on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users. We will be offering a number of full or partial scholarships for researchers, community members, practitioners, program workers, and policymakers.
The deadline for submissions has been extended to 11:59pm (CEST) 26 March 2023
Do you need help with your scholarship application? Find out about our new mentor program. (APPLICATIONS NOW CLOSED)
Please note that those who have not previously received a scholarship will be prioritised.
A full scholarship will include conference registration, return economy class flights and accommodation and a partial scholarship will include just the conference registration. Before applying please ensure you have read the selection criteria.
New Investigator Scholarships
To apply, you must be currently enrolled in a BSc, PhD or Masters Degree and you must also submit an abstract before the deadline which has been extended to Sunday 26 March 2023. The New Investigator Scholarships will be allocated according to the top-ranked peer-reviewed abstracts.
Community Scholarship
Open to volunteers/employees of drug-user/non-government organisations. People living with HCV (or who have previously had HCV) and/or people who have a history of injecting drug use, and participants from low/middle-income countries, will be prioritised.
Practitioner, Program, & Policy
A limited number of scholarships are available for people who are working to address health and/or hepatitis for people who inject drugs. This includes nurses, physicians, social workers, pharmacists, needle and syringe program workers, counsellors, peer workers, program managers, policy makers, government employees, etc.
Prisons Scholarships
For those interested in HCV care in prison settings globally including policy makers, clinicians, researchers, and people with lived experience of HCV and/or incarceration. This scholarship category is designed to facilitate attendance at the Prisons pre-conference workshop and the INHSU 2023 conference.
The INHSU Scholarship program relies on funding from commercial, government and non-government sources. The Scholarship applications are reviewed by an independent panel. Commercial sponsors are not involved in or consulted on the scholarship scoring process.
All applicants must complete the application truthfully and advise the Conference Secretariat if their situation changes.