Hepatitis C in Primary Care and Drug and Alcohol Settings Education Program

INHSU has collaborated with the Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM) and the Kirby Institute at the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) to develop and deliver hepatitis C education, globally.

HCV education program

Our program is delivered in three parts:

Why is it important?

Globally, HCV-related morbidity and mortality are rising due to large populations with chronic infection, an ageing infected population and low treatment uptake.

However, following the advent of well-tolerated, simple, short-course direct acting antiviral (DAA) interferon-free HCV treatment regimens with cure rates >95%, there is potential to reverse the rising burden of disease with increased treatment. By expanding HCV care into primary care and drug and alcohol settings we have an opportunity to enhance HCV assessment, management and treatment, particularly among people who use drugs.

Who should take part?

The Program is designed for healthcare practitioners working in primary care or drug and alcohol settings or working with people who use drugs.

The Program is tailored for each country in close collaboration with local stakeholders to ensure education materials and resources are in-line with local guidelines and appropriately support increased HCV screening, linkage-to-care and treatment for people living with HCV.

If you are interested in access the Education Program but do not see your country listed, please contact info@inhsu.org

International steering committee 

The education program is developed and delivered in collaboration with many partners. The International Education Program Steering Committee provide oversight and direction to the Program and we thank them for their involvement.

Prof. Jason Grebely Senior Research Fellow/President | Viral Hepatitis Clinical Research Program, The Kirby Institute/INHSU | Australia


Ms. Emma Day | Executive Director | International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users | Australia


Dr. Alessio Aghemo Professor of Gastroenterology | Humanitas University | Italy


Prof. John Dillon | Professor of Hepatology and  Gastroenterology | Ninewells Hospital, University of Dundee | UK


Dr. Martin Kåberg | Addiction/Infectious Disease | The Stockholm Centre for Dependency | Sweden


Prof. Karine Lacombe | Professor | Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department, Saint-Antoine Hospital  France


Ms. Nikitah Habraken | Program Manager | International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users | Australia

 Prof. Jeffrey V. Lazarus | Associate Professor/Associate Researcher | University of Barcelona/ISGlobal, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona | Spain


Prof. Rui Tato Marinho | Gastroenterology Physician | Hospital Santa Maria | Portugal


CH Dr Alberto Moriggia | MD, Infectious Disease Specialist | Epatocentro Liver Clinic and Ingrado Addiction Clinic | Switzerland


Dr. Anne Øvrehus | Staff Specialist, Infectious Diseases | Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital | Denmark


Prof. Jens Reimer | Professor of Psychiatry | University Medical Center Hamburg | Germany


Dr. Hemant Shah | Hepatologist & Education Director | University Health Network & Toronto Centre for Liver Disease  | Canada


Prof. Marta Torrens | Addiction Specialist  Hospital del Mar, Barcelona | Spain