INHSU 2023 Co-Convenors
INHSU 2023’s committee features some of the leading experts in epidemiology and public health in hepatitis C, other infectious diseases, and the broader health of people who use drugs.
Jason Grebely
Jason Grebely is the President of INHSU and a Professor in the Viral Hepatitis Clinical Research Program at the Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney. Jason’s training and research is based in the field of epidemiology, with a specific focus on clinical epidemiology.
Jason completed his BSc in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and his PhD in Pharmacology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He then completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinical Epidemiology at UNSW Sydney.
Jason is also a Senior Editor for the International Journal of Drug Policy.
Anton Basenko
Anton Basenko is based in Brussels, but formerly Kyiv, Ukraine. Anton completed a Masters degree in international economy and is a activist of the community of people who use drugs and OST patients, people living with HIV, and lived experience with HCV.
Anton has worked for the international Alliance for Public Health, coordinating international and national projects of HIV, TB, viral hepatitis prevention and treatment among key populations as well as advising on Communities, Rights and Gender issues. Anton is the founder of PUD.UA, a board member of INPUD and EKPC (a-ka EKHN), member of the Communities Delegation of the Global Fund Board and CCM of Ukraine. Since 2021, Anton has been a Programme Manager on Quality of Life in the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG).
Philip Bruggmann
Philip Bruggmann is co-chief physician at the Arud Centre for Addiction Medicine in Zurich. Arud, a private organisation, provides interdisciplinary care for around 2500 patients with problematic or dependent substance use. In addition to family medicine, Arud’s integrated care includes psychiatry and psychotherapy, social work and infectious disease care.
Philip is professor at the Institute of Family Medicine at the University of Zurich. The main focus of his research is in the area of hepatitis C. He is currently chairing Swiss Hepatitis and was the founding president of INHSU.
Erika Castro
Erika Castro is an MD-PhD specialist in internal, tropical and addiction medicine, project leader of the Hepatitis C virtual clinic in Lausanne, Switzerland.
In 2004, she joined the Lausanne University Hospital as postdoc in the HIV field and after as chief resident in addiction medicine. She has developed integrated-care-services for people who inject drugs. Since 2019, Erika has worked in her practice with other patient groups as migrants and chemsex users.
Other positions include, lecturer of the UNODC and INHSU education programs, President of SAMMSU, INHSU board member.
Dr Niklas Luhmann
Dr Niklas Luhmann is a medical doctor with a Master of Science (Msc) in International Public Health from the University of Berlin. He has been working for more than 10 years with different institutions on access to healthcare with a focus around HIV and viral hepatitis related prevention, treatment and care.
He joined WHO headquarters in Geneva in 2019 where he works as a technical officer and focuses on viral hepatitis prevention, testing and priority populations.
Linda Montanari
Linda Montanari is a health sociologist working at the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). In the capacity of ‘Principal scientist for health and social responses’, Linda coordinates the area of monitoring prison and drugs. She was responsible for the 2021 EMCDDA publication: Prison and drugs in Europe, Current and future challenges and has contributed to a variety of scientific publications in this field.
Over the years, Linda has also worked in the areas of drugs and gender and drugs and mental health, promoting the conceptualisation and inclusion of these perspectives in drug monitoring.