Utilising Social Capital to Promote HCV Treatment in Prison

Author: Lafferty L, Treloar C, Guthrie J, Chambers GM, Butler T

Theme: Social Science & Policy Research Year: 2016

UTILISING SOCIAL CAPITAL TO PROMOTE HCV TREATMENT IN PRISON Lafferty L¹, Treloar C², Guthrie J3 , Chambers GM4 , Butler T¹ ¹The Kirby Institute (UNSW Australia), ²Centre for Social Research in Health (UNSW Australia), 3National Centre for Indigenous Studies (ANU), 4National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit (UNSW Australia) Background: Hepatitis C (HCV) infection is a major public health problem in prisons, with an estimated HCV-antibody prevalence of 26%. Despite availability of HCV treatment while in custody, treatment uptake remains low (

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