Author: Andrew Sommerville Alison Boyle Fiona Marra Cecilia Fleming Janice McAvennie Elaine Reilly Stephen Barclay
Theme: Models of Care Year: 2021
Theme: Models of Care Year: 2021
Background: NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde allows for hepatitis C virus (HCV) liver fibrosis stratification using the FIB-4 score. Patients accessing other healthcare services may have the required laboratory tests available for treatment initiation. Attending clinics, particularly in hospital, is a barrier to treatment initiation. We developed a pharmacist-led telephone clinic to identify, engage and treat HCV, using available results to omit the need for a face-to-face (FTF) appointment. Description of intervention: Previously referred patients with ongoing HCV infection or those with a new diagnosis untreated within 12 months were identified from the Scottish HCV database and case notes. Patients with FIB-4
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