Author: Evan B. Cunningham, Janaki Amin, Jordan J Feld, Julie Bruneau, Olav Dalgard, Jeff Powis, Margaret Hellard, Curtis Cooper, Phillip Read, Brian Conway, Adrian J Dunlop, Briana Norton, Alain H. Litwin, Behzad Hajarizadeh , Maria Christine Thurnheer, John F Dillon, Martin Weltman, David Shaw, Philip Bruggmann, Edward Gane, Chris Fraser, Philippa Marks, Tanya L Applegate, Sophie Quiene, Sharmila Siriragavan, Gail V. Matthews, Gregory J Dore and Jason Grebely
Theme: Clinical Research Year: 2018
Theme: Clinical Research Year: 2018
HCV DAA therapy in people who inject drugs. This study investigated treatment adherence among people with recent injecting drug use in a study of sofosbuvir/velpatasvir therapy for HCV infection. Methods: SIMPLIFY is an international open-label, single-arm multicentre study that recruited participants with recent injecting drug use (previous six months) and chronic HCV genotype (G) 1-6 infection between March and October, 2016 in seven countries (19 sites). Participants received sofosbuvir/velpatasvir once-daily for 12 weeks administered in a one-week electronic blister pack (records the time and date of each dose) for 12 weeks. We evaluated non-adherence (
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