EMCR Special Interest Group Collaborative Research Opportunities

Are you an Early to Mid-Career Researcher (EMCR)? Does your work involve people who use drugs? Would you like to meet other EMCRs with similar research interests? Are you looking for help with a specific method or analysis?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, or you have a research idea you’d love to get others talking about, then the INHSU EMCR Collaborative Research Opportunities could be just what you need. 

Using the online platform ‘Hexitime’, the INHSU EMCR Collaborative Research Opportunities have been developed specifically for early-mid career researchers in the field who would like to participate in knowledge and information exchange and meet others with shared interests and research goals. 


What are our goals?

The INHSU EMCR Research Collaboration is a chance to share your ideas and knowledge, network and collaborate with others towards a shared research goal. The aim is to generate ideas to address important current issues in the field of hepatitis and drugs research.


How does it work?

‘Challenges’ are hosted on the Hexitime platform, users can post ideas, replies, offers and suggestions towards them. To get involved, follow the steps below:

  1. Register for Hexitime (don’t worry, they won’t send you a lot of emails!) 
  2. Explore each of our grand challenges
  3. Comment, share ideas, like suggestions others have posted to get discussions and ideas flowing

Step-by-step instructions


Sign up for alerts

Register for the INHSU newsletter to make sure you don’t miss out on any other EMCR Special Interest Group activities. You can also join as a member, here. If you’re a current full-time student your membership is free.