Hepatitis C Intervention Symposia Series – Canada

Join us at one of our upcoming symposiums on how to implement different evidence-based interventions for hepatitis C (HCV) in your setting, such as point-of-care testing, dried blood spot testing, peer support, patient navigation and case finding. 

Showcase good practice
Be inspired by examples of different interventions for hepatitis C across a variety of settings. 


Highlight latest research 
Find out about the latest research about interventions to enhance the HCV care cascade. 


Build on your own model of care
Experts will support you to implement new interventions to your existing model of care for HCV. 


Build new connections 
We will help you make connections with experts and like-minded colleagues from across the country. 

Who is it for?

This event is for anyone in Canada interested in implementing or scaling up interventions for HCV in their service setting, including doctors, nurses, frontline workers, peer workers, pharmacists and pharmacy staff, policy makers, and any other staff working in drug and alcohol or primary care settings with some existing knowledge of HCV. 

Travel scholarships

A small number of travel scholarships are available to support attendance for those working in non-profit  community based settings. Please contact nikitah.habraken@inhsu.org for information on how to apply. 

After attending this event, you will be able to:

  • Identify areas for enhancing or scaling up in your own HCV service delivery 
  • Understand how a variety of interventions work 
  • Identify suitable interventions to enhance your own HCV service delivery
  • Describe how the intervention could be implemented in your service setting 
  • Analyze possible barriers to implementing interventions and how to overcome them

Upcoming events

Our speakers

Mia Biondi

Assistant Professor, York University
NP-Researcher, Viral Hepatitis Care Network
Toronto, ON

Cheryl Dale

Nurse Practitioner
Adjunct Clinical Professor
Western University
London, ON

Sofia Bartlett

Senior Scientist
BC Centre for Disease Control
Adjunct Professor
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC

Ed Tam

Ed Tam

Vancouver, BC

Doug Belanger

Community Health Worker
Toronto Community Hep C Program
South Riverdale Community Health Centre
Toronto, ON

Katie Connolly

Health Promoter, Hepatitis C
South Riverdale Community Health Centre
Toronto, ON

Kate Dunn

Post-Doc Fellow
University Health Network
Calgary, AB

Kate Harland

Vice President
Harm Reduction Nurses Association
Ottawa, ON

Keri McGuire-Trahan

Nurse Practitioner & Manager of Clinical Programs
AIDS Committee of North Bay and Area
North Bay, ON

Pam Ford

Pam Ford

HCV Treatment Coordinator
SRx Health Solutions
Regina, SK

Deborah Garant

Hepatology Nurse Specialist
McKesson Corporation
London, ON

Tamara Barnett

Hepatitis C Treatment Coordinator
Cool Aid Community Health Centre
Victoria, BC

Canadian Steering Committee


The program is developed and delivered in collaboration with many partners. With thanks to our Canadian Steering Committee: 

  • Tamara Barnett
    Cool Aid Community Health Centre
  • Mia Biondi
    Toronto Centre For Liver Disease
  • Matt Bonn
    Canadian Network of People Who Use Drugs
  • Jennifer Broad
    South Riverdale Community Health Centre
  • Katie Connolly
    South Riverdale Community Health Centre
  • Cari Egan
    Alberta Health Services 
  • Jordan Feld
    Canadian Network on Hepatitis C (CanHepC) 
  • Pam Ford 
    Omega Nurses 
  • Kellie Guarasci
    Cool Aid Community Health Centre
  • Rivka Kushner
  • Kelly Lang
    Four Directions Community Health Center
  • Karen Lungren
    Cool Aid Community Health Centre
  • Stefanie Materniak
    Centre for Research, Education and Clinical Care of At-Risk Populations (RECAP)
  • Danielle Myrah
    Primary Health Care Urban Regina
  • Ed Tam 
    Pacific Gastroenterology Associates Vancouver



With thanks to our sponsors. Sponsorship is governed by our Sponsorship Policy and the sponsors have no control over content, tone, emphasis, allocation of funds or selection of recipients. INHSU does not endorse or promote any sponsor’s product or service.


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