Theme: Models of Care Year: 2022
Drug-related deaths in Scotland are high. Digital technology to prevent and respond to overdoses
has the potential to save lives. Development of an overdose prevention app was proposed by
the Highland Drug Related Death Prevention Group.
Description of model of care/intervention:
In collaboration, stakeholders progressed app development. People with lived experience were
consulted. A survey was conducted with HMP Inverness and prisoners in their care, achieving a
successful response rate of 25% of the prison population. Virtual focus groups were held with
people with lived experience, engaged via an online recovery community. Professionals were also
These consultations finalised the app name, icon, and logo. During the pilot, people with lived
experience and professionals approved content and provided valuable feedback prior to launch.
App includes harm reduction and BBV information and signposting.
In addition, digital devices were provided during the COVID-19 pandemic for vulnerable people via
local services. Devices were encouraged install the app.
The HOPE app launched on the 8th April 2021. In the six months, 355 people downloaded and
interacted with the app. There were 6,268 views of pages. Top ten pages visited were also
Qualitative data has been provided via reviews, including:
“Fantastic app which will be an invaluable tool in both supporting those at risk and helping to
address the sad loss of life due to substance use”
“An invaluable tool for everyone. Really easy to navigate with clear, concise advice”.
Conclusion and next steps:
Drug use can be complex, yet the app provides a range of content to address different types of use,
and provides signposting for further support. People have greater access to digital solutions that
help keep them safe and connect with supportive services, somewhat addressing digital exclusion
among people at high risk of drug-related harm. The app has received positive feedback and
exceeded the number of target downloads.
Disclosure of Interest Statement:
The conference collaborators recognise the considerable contribution that industry partners make to
professional and research activities. We also recognise the need for transparency of disclosure of
potential conflicts of interest by acknowledging these relationships in publications and presentations.