Theme: Models of Care Year: 2022
Background: The Toronto Community Hep C Program (TCHCP) is a partnership between four community based health centres in Toronto, Canada which provides Hep C (HCV) treatment within a framework of
harm reduction for people who use drugs. Involvement of people with lived experience of HCV and drug
use in program design and service delivery is a key program principle. People with lived experience are
essential service providers across the program. Due to COVID-19 and a changing HCV treatment
landscape, the TCHCP has recently shifted how and where we deliver care.
Description of model of care/intervention: The program is currently focused on increasing outreach
initiatives and providing HCV testing and treatment in pharmacies, shelter hotels and partner agencies.
An important component of program planning is the use of collective self-reflection to adapt services
based on service user feedback to meet the needs of the communities that we serve. Additionally, our
Patient Advisory Board (PAB) is routinely consulted for their input regarding program planning and service
delivery and the program recently undertook a situational needs assessment with past/current program
Effectiveness: TCHCP staff have noted an increase in individuals accessing care and treatment as a result
of flexible and client-centred outreach initiatives. The presentation will share the findings from the client
survey. The survey was administered by staff across the partnership from November 2021-January 2022.
Survey results have helped inform and focus how and where we are engaging people living with or are at
risk for Hep C.
Conclusion and next steps: The TCHCP has used the feedback that we received in our survey to inform
and modify service delivery. Conference attendees will have an opportunity to learn how they can
incorporate ongoing and more formal service user feedback to inform service delivery that meets of the
needs of their target populations.
Disclosure of Interest Statement: the authors have nothing to declare.