Theme: Clinical Research Year: 2022
The C-Free-South project has the goal to eliminate hepatitis C (HCV) in the Region of Southern
Denmark (1.2 million inhabitants) with multiple interventions.
HCV-infected who have once been in care but were lost to follow up (LTFU) before direct acting
antivirals became available for all patients in Denmark are the target group in this study.
Aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of recalling HCV-infected who have been LTFU. >
<All HCV-RNA positive patients aged 18+ registered in the hepatitis database as of November
2019 and NOT having a scheduled appointment for hepatitis C were invited for assessment. All LTFU
patients were contacted twice with monthly intervals with either a phone call or a mail. In patients
with no response, their general practitioner (GP) was informed to refer the patient if the patient
later presented at the GP.>
< By reviewing the database and the electronic medical record we found 90 (9%) of 1022 discharged
patients who were identified as untreated and no longer under follow up. We made contact to 52
(58%), 21 (23%) had moved out of our region, cleared there infection or had died and 17 (19%) did
not respond to any contact. Until now 40 (44%) have been scheduled or initiated treatment, three
(3%) were not interested in treatment and 9 (10%) did not show up to their appointment. 70% of
those interested in treatment have a history of intravenous drug use. Among responders, 55% did
so after first contact, 37% after second contact and 8% after informing the GP. >
<An intensified and persistent effort makes it possible to reach the majority of patients. Any new
contact attempt increases the possibility of getting patients involved. Even though some HCVinfected LTFU could not be reached in our region.
Disclosure of Interest Statement: See example below:
This study is supported by Gilead Sciences (CHIME grant). SD has received research grants and travel
support from Gilead and Abbvie.
PBC has received research grants from Gilead, Abbvie and MSD.
AØ has received research grants from Gilead and speaker fees and travel support from Gilead,
Abbvie and MSD. JFH has received travel support from Gilead, Abbvie and MSD.