Theme: Models of Care Year: 2018
Background: During the 90’s Portugal had an estimated number of 100.000 high risk drug users, mostly of injected heroin. Data from EMCDDA from 2014/2015 shows that the prevalence of Hepatitis C (HCV) among people who inject drugs is still over 80%. So, if data from the national register for HCV showed that there were 17.721 diagnosed, we ask ourselves where are all the others? Experts suggest the need of a specific and inclusive approach, to reach people who use drugs, particularly those in a vulnerable situation, sometimes in a framework of micro-elimination, but until now there are no specific strategies. Approach: So, our organization, to contribute to the elimination of HCV by 2030; recognizing and validating the potential of Peer Work (particularly reaching the most vulnerable). With the objectives of: Involving the community and develop synergies with outreach teams and other services seeking integrated answers; Empowering people who use drugs and know well the Porto open scene neighborhoods of consumption, to design and implement their own microinterventions in the field, with supervision, and internal and external monitoring and evaluation. The projects focused on being the bridge to the most “hard to reach”, developing a nonjudgmental relationship, and then knowing about health status and support the re-connection with public services. Outcomes: The project reached more than 70 people that use these territories, and that have a poor connection with health services. All the moments of the project have been documented, there are registers of the capacity building action, implementation of projects, supervision moments, and evidence that supports that people who use drugs have a unique knowledge that can contribute to facilitate equity in health access and quality of services. Conclusion: These results will help advocacy for the meaningful involvement of people who use drugs in the strategy and elimination of HCV. Disclosure of Interest Statement: See example below: The conference collaborators recognise the considerable contribution that industry partners make to professional and research activities. We also recognise the need for transparency of disclosure of potential conflicts of interest by acknowledging these relationships in publications and presentations. So as disclosure of interest we want state that this project had the support of AbbVie
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